Let us answer your questions

Here you will find the answers to many of the questions you may have about Bupa Arabia, including information about our comprehensive range of Health and Care products and services.

One of Bupa’s providers will call you to revise your medication with you, and then send the approval to the pharmacy closest to you to refill your medication.

Bupa doctors are General Practitioners.

Tebtom cannot help you with this issue. Please call Customer Service at 9 2002 3009 for support.

This regulation specifies the requirements and provisions for conducting insurance activities by insurance companies, insurance brokers and agents over the internet. For more details Click Here.

NO, you may visit our Rahatkom office and our delegates will support you. 
Yes, all Rahatkom services are free
All Bupa members can get the benefit of Rahatkom offices 
Please click on the following link to view the list of hospitals that have Rahatkom offices, click here.
If your background matches the job requirements, you will receive an invitation by email to complete our Talent Assessment. For more information, please visit the Our Hiring Process page.
Via Phone call and/or email.